What is a mortgage ?

Is the funding to invest in the areas of acquisition, construction or renovation or improvement of housing and administrative units, service installations and buildings of stores devoted to commercial activity and by ensuring that the concession on the property or mortgage subject to a formal or other guarantees which are acceptable to the taxpayer in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed by the Regulations for the Law of Real Estate Finance . 2) What are the advantages of mortgage? The longest possible repayment...

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste.

The effects of the subprime mortgage crisis in Europe

Bank decided to Commerzbank's second-largest German banks at the beginning of the month of September to dispense with nine thousand jobs in the framework of a deal to buy rival Dresdner Bank. The deal is valued at 14.5 billion dollars, so in what is billed as the biggest restructuring in the German banking sector since more than seven years. Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) under the Declaration of losses of British banks for the month of July 2008 losses amounted to 691 million pounds ($ 1.35 billion) in the first half of 2009. European stock markets fell after British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's decision to nationalize the British authorities bank Bradford & Bingley, and Belgium followed the same step with Fortis Bank. Banks, who greatly affected by the effects of the mortgage crisis in the United States, created a state of tension and suspense in the European financial markets, as called for France to hold an international conference to discuss the current crisis. [Edit] Report of the Bank UBS Swiss A report issued by UBS Swiss said in a statement the reasons for the bankruptcy of the bank: that poor assessing the degree of risk in complex transactions associated with the mortgage was one of the most important causes of such tragic loss, the bank also justified based on the desire of the mortgage sector in achieving the greatest possible profit sector real estate investments, in anticipation of access to the rank of a distinct worldwide. The report also acknowledged that, despite the knowledge of the working group specialized in the management of real estate investment risks surrounding the U.S. market, but they did not call for assessing the impact of such risks on transactions, and did not put a limit to the dealings in the U.S. mortgage sector. I find that eventually the financial crisis if you do not change course in capitalism by raising interest rates it is threatened by a massive loss does not include only the real estate sector, but all areas of actual major countries to benefit from the experiences of non-Ptok benefits. And Oofaqa to the report, the root of the problem back to the year 2005, which advised the group of experts from outside the bank dealing with mortgage securities, U.S. Vansaq UBS behind that recommendation, and pushed strongly in the purchase and establishment Bags investment rose from its position in the global markets After selling them to investors. Which is exacerbated by the size of the losses that the bank has to invest heavily in some hedge funds closed up a great loss, only to discover experts UBS that their dealings were not enjoy full transparency, but does not have experts in any study on the ratio of the potential risks. The synchronization of dissemination of these results with the announcement of the Commercial Bank of Germany for a study on more banks hit by the mortgage crisis the U.S., has been found that Swiss banks lost an average of 40% of financial assets, ranking it second after some U.S. financial institutions, Kraushaar, institutions German financial decline of 15% of its assets, and Britain was the least loss of 5%.

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