What is a mortgage ?

Is the funding to invest in the areas of acquisition, construction or renovation or improvement of housing and administrative units, service installations and buildings of stores devoted to commercial activity and by ensuring that the concession on the property or mortgage subject to a formal or other guarantees which are acceptable to the taxpayer in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed by the Regulations for the Law of Real Estate Finance . 2) What are the advantages of mortgage? The longest possible repayment...

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste.

The repercussions of the subprime crisis in the United States

The repercussions of the subprime crisis in the United States

* Experience the insurance company American: American International Group (AIG), which is one of the largest insurance companies in the world, serious risks since the financial crisis continued to ravage the U.S. economy following the announcement of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers investment and the imposition of the sale of Merrill Lynch rival, and that in the biggest shock of the financial sector since the Great Depression in 1929. He sought the help of the Federal Reserve (the U.S. central bank) Bank, Morgan Stanley to review options for AIG Insurance, which lost about 90% of its value since the beginning of the year. The Council discussed the possibility of arranging loans between two sevenths and 75 billion dollars to support the company (AIG), in addition to the financial options other, and turned to Goldman Sachs and Pocket Morgan as financial advisor for the company to discuss a range of options, pointing out that the credit facility, which will be a loan pool of a number of Banks is just one of the options that were discussed. The Federal Reserve also revealed his plan to increase its loans to banks and financial institutions, and expanding the scope of institutions and companies that can benefit from these facilities. The head of the Federal Bank Ben Bernanke that he discussed with the participants in the market weaknesses and fragility of the market after the collapse of a major financial institution, and appropriate responses by the public and private sectors to do so. These positions came under growing fears for the global financial meltdown as a result of the U.S. economic crisis. Said Mark Badu, strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald & Co in San Francisco that "concern for Bank of America is in debt acquired," he said, adding that there is a fear that the bank may be biting off a larger piece of his ability. With the fall of more new victims, the largest of the growing crisis, the Fed said for the first time that he would accept the shares for cash loans. A dozen of the world's largest banks have agreed to establish an emergency fund size of seventy billion dollars, that any of them be able to get up one third of this amount. In financial markets the Bank of America shares fell the most yesterday, despite that the bank would exceed the rival Citigroup, becoming the largest bank in the country in terms of assets through the acquisition decision of Merrill Lynch. And close on the Dow Jones industrial average was down by 4.4%, while the benchmark Standard & Poor's by 4.7%. Shares of Lehman rose 95% to 18 cents. Long the crisis of the U.S. mortgage various economic sectors in the United States and Europe and led to financial losses can not be accounted for and banks suffered huge losses and declared bankruptcy and the collapse of some of them. She said that the credit crisis due to the stoppage of a large number of borrowers to pay premiums of financial due on them, which led to incur the largest institutions of the mortgage in America and are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused extensive damage made the U.S. Treasury have to rescue the first of its kind, which had a role in saving global economy as well. She added that the two institutions have treated the last two the amount of six trillion dollars, an amount equivalent to six times the size of the economies of the Arab countries combined. She stressed that the current financial crisis has not seen the world like a century ago and will have implications for the collapse of several banks and banks or declare bankruptcy. Turning to the non-finance expert knowledge of the investment portfolio to financial institutions, many do not know the extent of losses in financial institutions will be affected by a factor of confidence among investors, raising fears that investors refrain from investing and other repercussions. And felt that it can not be separated between the capital markets, whether equities or bonds, real estate, currency or the banks they are all linked together. And considered that it was difficult to predict what will happen in the coming days and will take the Fed (U.S. central bank) of steps to address the current financial crisis. The U.S. President George W. Bush administration sought to reduce the impact of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and its associated developments on the financial markets. The most famous bank, "Lehman Brothers", the fourth largest bank in the United States, went bankrupt in the early hours Monday after the failure of efforts to save him, and the bank will declare bankruptcy to bankruptcy court for the Southern New York. He justified the bank's move to maintain the greatest possible extent of its value and protecting assets. And the incurring of Lehman Brothers billions of dollars in losses because of investments in the mortgage market. And control authorities resorted U.S. banks last July to close the Bank First National Bank of Nevada and twenty-five branches, and also shut down Bank First Heritage Bank branches all three. And sold the assets of banks owned by the company First National Bank Holding Company of Omaha Bank branches. The value of the assets of banks $ 3.6 billion by the end of June lower than it was six months ago where she was a $ 4.1 billion. The Bank and Chovia Corp's fourth-largest bank in the United States suffered losses quarterly record in the second quarter of this year's $ 8.86 billion dollars, authorities closed the Banking Supervision American Bank First National Bank of Nevada branches twenty-five, and also shut down Bank First Heritage Bank branches all three. And sold the assets of banks owned by the company First National Bank Holding Company of Omaha Bank branches, which will re-reopened Monday after closing for two authorities on Friday. The value of the assets of banks $ 3.6 billion by the end of June are lower than what it was before six months had a $ 4.1 billion. These two new Alivlassan lift the number of banks that have declared bankruptcy in the United States since the beginning of the year to seven. In atheist th of July last Bank announced that the de Mac in California went bankrupt in the third largest event of its kind in the recent history of the United States, note that the assets of the bank amounted to 32 billion dollars. And before it went bankrupt bank Bear Stearns in March to buy JP Morgan in a deal overseen by the U.S. central bank. The relay bank bankruptcies western United States with the exacerbation of the crisis the real estate market and the failure of several institutions.

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